Interview with Tav Moor of

Author: sam
Date: Apr 29, 2004
Views: 3260

Who are you?

I\'m Tav Moor, Chairman and CEO, and founded Angelflyers (1987) and (2000) which is an award winning eBusiness which buys, sells
and trades in collectable club flyers worldwide.

Where are your executive headquarters?

Based at the Angel in London, England.

Favourite flyers, why?

No specific one flyer, although Gallery, Seduction, Pendragon, Fantazia and
Desire are personal favourites.

Kindly tell us about how you got into flyer collecting?

In 1987, about 17 years ago I felt an affinity with club and rave flyers,
was listening to music, visiting record shops, attending events and joining
mailing lists. I had a good feeling that flyers would grow as a highly
profitable and emerging market which is proving to be correct.

What motivates you to continue collecting flyers?

As i discussed with the media last year, being a flyer expert, successful
entrepeneneur, i often get called the grandfather of flyers by customers.
Since the launch of Angelflyers, a worldwide ebusiness and market leader in
collecting flyers and a worldwide platform and emerging
community of those interested in collecting flyers, i\'m interested in seeing
collectable flyers more widely accepted as a hobby. That those who\'ve been
involved and are involved get something other than profits and that the
artists, \"community\" and culture gets some payback.

Do you collect flyers yourself?

Definately, i collect flyers as my primary hobby, so i can certainly
pinpoint this as an ongoing passion of mine.

Have you noticed any changes this millennium to flyer distribution?

Yes, there\'s been an undeniable shift towards eflyers being added to the
integrated marketing mix of many promoters, companies and organizations has
meant in some instances a decreas of flyers in recent years. Although
collecting flyers, such as those of clubs and raves is a worldwide trend,
it\'s mostly UK and US, which is where most of our business takes place.

Tell us about the flyer artists you like?

UK artists that are well worth watching and collecting flyers of are Pez,
Junior Tomlin and Juno as well as others.

What flyers do you get most interest in, what kind of time period, what

Since the late 1980s, the most collectible flyers in terms of financial and
sentimental value remain A4, A5 and A6 sized. Personal favourites as well as
others that have characteristics that are likely to make them collectable
like event, djs, mcs, location and artist.

Do you sometimes get asked to design flyers?

Certainly, we do not design flyers, however Angelflyers (1987) and (2000) are hobbies of mine which this year have attracted
much publicity due to us being more open, transparent and communicative with
our customers and prospects, media and entertainment as well as affiliates
and suppliers. I do sometimes consider looking further at the design
question and it\'s something that the Board of Directors and i have yet to
look at so far this year.

Rumour has it that you approved recently?

Quite, it\'s been approved and will be looked at again later this year. My
colleague Carl Palmer (Webmaster and Chief Information Officer) and i
discussed this being included in the Angelflyers portfolio during 2004.

What\'s Angelflyers and got in store for the future?

As the Chairman and CEO, I believe that in an emerging market which is
highly specialized, with few competitors allows us to have a worldwide
market, market share and worldwide sales. You can expect from us an increase
in integrated marketing such as articles, competitions and brochures as we
continue expand.

LINKS - - Coming Soon

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