Trance iT Magazine Mexico

An interview with the publisher

Author: Sam
Date: Feb 19, 2004
Views: 6990

Interview: with Trance-IT Publisher David Escobar Valenzo
Photos: Trance-IT

What subjects do you offer in TranceIT?

Trance iT is the 1st. mexican printed and free distributed magazine, that brings information about the mexican and global trance scene and basically, focuses in all electronic trance music styles. Contains info about: parties, artists, technology, stuff to buy and news of the development of the trance music.

Who is the TranceIT crew?

Trance iT is conformed by Roberto Negrete (Public Relations), Ileana S·nchez (Edition Manager), Miguel Torres (Webamaster), Alejandro Palancares (Marketing), Jalil Landell (Video & Photo), Gildargo R·bago (Legal Aspects) and me. We are operating in Mexico City, but also we have correspondents in other places of the country like Daniela Cornejo in Guadalajara, Pepe Lira en San Luis PotosÌ, ... in Aguascalientes, Luis Psyclon in Puebla and Sandra ... in Cancun. We work with almost all the musicians and producers of the mexican trance.

Your personal background?

I\'m 24, i just finished my career in Foreing Affairs and i started to do this some months ago like a hobbie that becomed a job. I was evolved in trance music since some years ago with all my crew when we used to make some parties. Then we organize us to begin Trance iT.

How do you distribute the magazine?

By the way, we do it personally through the most popular music trance shops and urban boutiques, but also we do it hand-to-hand in parties and festivals. With 5,000 copies we cover basically Mexico City and Puebla, but our next goal is to distribute it in the other important cities of the country. Anyway, there are some copies spread in all Mexico.

How does TranceIT work financially?

It\'s only supported by advertisement of: music shops, services, parties, wear stuff, smart drinks, etc.

Are print magazines in our digital age still needed?

Yes, we think it\'s better to have tangibility because it\'s more real and a printed magazine is seen by more than one person. Otherwise, a magazine made of paper can be kept under your pillow.

What means Psytrance in Mexico these days? What about gate-crashing and \"Trance-Mafias\"?

It is the electronic music type with the most growing rythm in the country. Since some years ago these kind of parties becomed the most demanded, almost all the artists of around the world have been played here. The scene is growing so fast and because of that we have some troubles with the ones that don\'t know the real meaning of trance living lifestyle and don\'t have any sense of value for the others philosophy and effort. Some people don\'t want to pay the access to the parties and that\'s why gate-crashing problems appear. It\'s the conduct of people that don\'t knows the trance culture.

Your personal guess for the development of the trance scene?

The trance is expanding more and more in all the world, it\'s a true proposition of lifestyle in our days. But in the future all members of this scene like artists, promoters, managers, suppliers, producers and trance followers must work together to create a global comunity with goals in common: liberty & respect!

And your personal guess for the development of trance medias?

The trance medias have a priority job in the difusion of this kind of music; through internet, radio and printed stuff, people knows about trance. I think is a big responsability to give real info to others, because of that the medias need to find the best way to reach them, fitting in new technology advances to be more efficient in work.

Anything to add?

Keep on trance y que viva MÈxico cabrones!!!

Thanks a lot for the interview!

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