:: Welcome Home - A Very Fond Fare Well Weekend - Day 2 ::
Sep 17, 2005 21:00:00 - Sep 18, 2005 08:00:00, Amsterdam

Date: Aug 30, 2005
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Area: Events
* Namaste in cooperation with
9 Lives of Hofmann, Ozmali Records,
Sub United and Loudspeaker.
* Sunrise: 21:00 - 08:00
* Bhakshish:
- presale: 15 euro
(+ max 1euro commission);
- aboard: 20 euro
Due to the enormous success
of the last Namaste event,
we advise you to buy your ticket
in advance to guarantee entry.
* Presale Ticket outlets:
- Conscious Dreams Kokopelli,
Warmoesstraat 12,
- Free Kings,
Kerkstraat 119, Amsterdam,
* Please follow the link down below
for directions, map, flyer and more.
Welcome Home - A Very Fond Fare Well Weekend
On September 16 & 17 Namasté - Connecting Cultures
blows the horn for a final All Aboard as the MS Stubnitz,
dressed to the whole nine yards, opens its inner decks,
holds and loads for A Very Fond Fare Well party,
before it rejuices the engines and raises the anchor
to follow its trail, homeward bound along the European
Coastline, towards its next destination.
To make you shiver your timbers and undulate on
the crest of the waves throughout both nights,
the helm will be manned by a dirty three dozen
boxbanging performers and discswingers alike,
who will provide the mental victuals to share and enjoy
a hornswogglingly mirthsome weekend, filled from stem
to stern with musical treasures
and auditory jewelry from all over the globe.
Saturday will be a Fare Well Tribal Tribute
to our floating host, the MS Stubnitz,
a special benefit for the ship & its crew,
who will return to their domestic anchorage
after a long tour along numerous nocturnal escapades,
covering countless blissful moments;
a special benefit, where we gather as one in smile
and dance, to celebrate the Great Journeys
of this Vessel of Joy.
Avast and join us aboard, as we set sail
for the Horizons of Infinity, once more!
- Words With Wings by Satyr
:: namaskar ::
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* Caste 1, Ambidelic /
World music / Progressive
/ Psytrance area:
The Chaishop -
Live World Jam Session
performed by:
Rudy Tuhusula
Terrence Samson
accompanied by: DJ
Steven H*C (Ozmali rec)
(Pixan records / Italia)
(Independent / Spain)
(Psykick Productions)
(9 Lives of Hofmann)
* Caste2, Breakbeats /
Electro / Techno area:
Something Enders
(Acid Disco)
Sandrien (Electronation)
(Sub United / UK)
Dikkie D
(Nu Groundz/ Lftfld)
Hepcat (Loudspeaker)
Kostas Hom (Voltt)
Radar (Is the New)
* Caste3, Drum & Bass:
Rudeboy Morris vs Jenny2Cool (JungleTerra/UK)
(Namasté / Jungle Terra)
Office Rocker
(Jungle Terra / UK)
Sinistah (Jungle Terra)
Pressure (Redzone)
Big Eye (Ichione)
»back to topdeco:
* All Weekend Visionary Artwork:
Visuals: Artivizuals
Decoration: D-Core
Analogue Projections: Rorschach & Rorschach
website: http://www.goatrance.nl/org_forum/viewtopic.php?t=1690
»back to topMT Ondinaweg/kade
Amsterdam Noord Holl

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